Banana Milkshake with Biscuits

RECIPE Ingredients: 1 ripe banana 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon chocolate, melted 2 biscuits with vanilla cream Directions: Blend banana, cookies and milk in blender until smooth. Squirt melted chocolate into the sides of a clear glass, making a pretty design if you wish. Then carefully pour in the banana milk shake. Drink.
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Banana Dates Smoothie

RECIPE (2 glass) Ingredients: 1 1/2 cup of buttermilk (tangy taste of the buttermilk contrasts very well with the sweetness of the dates) 1 banana 4-6 dates Directions: Blend ingredients until smooth.
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Jelly Lemon shots

RECIPE Ingredients: 3-4 lemon cut in half length way, insides all carved out so they are just little rind bowls plastic cups or muffin trays 2 packages of jello, try a yellow/orange one and an green one Directions: Make the jello according to the recipe (you can use your favorite alcohol instead of water) Set each rind in either the…
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